Wednesday, February 19, 2014

It's looking like a FULL week of school!

It's looking like we'll finally have a full week of classes, perfect timing right before the book fair! What have we learned this week?

1. Showing Jane Goodall Institute videos to illustrate parts of a book is a wonderful idea...except for the one where the chimp constantly does somersaults through the jungle.  Small children love to copy chimps doing somersaults.

2. Technology is our friend...until it isn't! Our broadcast room has not forgiven us for abandoning it for four whole days.  First the computer, then the Averkey, now the teleprompter TV...

3. Never rely on free resources to remain constant until the project is finished! Our animation videos have hit a snag where the once free 2 minute videos now must be 30 seconds. Sometimes you have to use the subscription version or do something else entirely.

4.Bad luck (especially with technology) does not always run in threes.  We're still trying to figure out what prime number it is. When we know, you'll know.

5. A super hero theme for the book fair is very well received by students and staff. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Book Fair Super Heroes Visit the Library

Six Super Heroes are here to celebrate our book fair! After all, READING GIVES US SUPER POWERS! These super heroes are here to help with our theme and as part of the fourth and fifth grade contest!

Professor Plot Twist

Colonel Cliffhanger

Super Setting Girl

Captain Conflict

Admiral Attention Getter

The Resolution Ranger

All of our heroes were a lot of fun to make, and a great addition to our library. They even have their own video series advertising the book fair and the student contests.  These can be seen on our regular website, 
Here are a synopsis of their super powers:

Professor Plot Twist
When the story starts to get a little boring or bogged down, He twists things up and turns things around!

Colonel Cliffhanger
he keeps you wanting to turn the page so you can see what happens next!

Captain Conflict
He makes sure the characters have some interesting problems to solve!

The Resolution Ranger
Brings the story to an end, with all problems solved and no cliffhangers remaining!

Super Setting Girl
She makes sure the Time and Place fit the story and make it GREAT!

Admiral Attention-Getter
He starts the story off strong to make you want to read along!

Of course, not even they can beat the wonderful "Super Librarians" who will reveal their super powers during the book fair! (Hey, it's hard to beat a super hero in a purple sequined cape!) 
When school is cancelled for so many day because of snow, the book buddies in our library appear to begin to talk amongst themselves, obviously, due to boredom and lack of kindergarteners to play with.  We always suspected that they were communicating with each other, but who knew they were discussing the weather like everyone else...Spring cannot come soon enough!