Tuesday, September 29, 2020

We're Getting There!

 It's amazing the difference about two weeks can make!

This week has been very exciting to prepare for. First, our story time in the Early Years Garden has resumed, with Thai and English stories being read on Mondays to our youngest students. This is the first time we have had to really start to meet our EY1 students! What fun we had on Monday, and we will continue to have every Monday as we visit them in their new garden space.

Today we are welcoming our parents back to the library before and after school! This is fabulous to see once again. Younger brothers and sisters, not yet in school, accompany them as well. We have a full house this afternoon which is the best type of situation in a library!

And then tomorrow starts after-school story time in the library! I have had the books selected for this since mid-summer. (Talk about planning ahead!) After months of online story time videos, I have been looking forward to sharing stories once again with parents and children. 

What else is happening? Our Y3-6 students are now vying for copies of the Bangkok Book Award nominees in order to read them all before voting during term 2. Y1-2 are enjoying hearing each picture book nominee during their classes, and we have started the Eyes of a Reader competition...having taken a lot of the pictures myself, I cannot recognize most of the teachers! Oh, my!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

This Is NOT the New Normal

 Despite the common catch-phrase "The New Normal," I refuse to accept any truth behind that name! This is not normal, although it may be new, and I have faith we will one day be fully normal again.

I have been very fortunate to start the new term at school, in-person, with all students. So what does this new year look like?

  1. We have our students in Years 1 and 2 coming every week for library lessons. So far, they have learned the library rules (after all, it has been 7 months!), learned how to use a shelf marker, and been able to check out books. Next week they begin hearing the Bangkok Book Award nominees.
  2. Years 3-6 come to the library once every fortnight. These students refreshed their memories on all things library related, learned about the genre stickers in Junior Fiction (completed while they were online learning), and are having book talks for the Bangkok Book Award nominees. These students are already excited for 28 September, when the books will be displayed and available for checkout!
  3. Upstairs in Senior Library, the Years 7-9 English classes have started having their library class time. Year 7 students have undergone an orientation to the Senior Library and are receiving their Overdrive usernames and passwords.
  4. We have 3 You-Time activities. You-Time is a student-selected after-school activity. On Mondays, we have our Battle of the Books teams (4 teams based on school houses who will compete for house points soon!) Wednesdays is Breakout Boxes, and Thursday is Stop-Motion Animation.
Wait a minute, you might be thinking. If that is what is happening, isn't that completely back to normal?

Well, unfortunately, no.

Here are the changes we hope don't last too much longer:
  1. We have had to reduce the number of students allowed in the library during break and lunch. This sometimes results in a line of students waiting outside for another student to leave. With staggered lunches, the line does usually clear quickly upstairs. I always feel terrible to see students who want to come inside but can't!
  2. We have had to close the Rabbit Hole reading area, mark "No Sitting" to ensure social distancing, and remove chairs to spread students apart.
  3. NO STORY TIME! This is the MOST difficult one for me. Unfortunately, I cannot visit the Early Years garden for story time during the day, and I cannot have children in the library for after school story time yet. I miss my story time! (Online story time was not the same because I couldn't talk to the children as I read the book!)
  4. No parents in the library. This is the SECOND most difficult change. It has always been wonderful to see parents and children sitting together before and after school reading a book. I love walking around, helping them find books, and just observing. Since parents cannot come to the library, they are once again selecting books online and picking them up outside the building. At least I know they can read together at home!
  5. Masks and social distancing...all day! We do what we must to stay healthy, but it will be nice to only wear my mask when the air quality is not so good.