Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Oops and Happy New Year!

 How did I think of so many things that needed to be posted, but not actually post anything since September? I would blame it on COVID, but I think I have to take responsibility for this.

The month of October was still online learning, and nothing new was happening. However, November saw a return to hybrid learning and, eventually, students in the library to check out books. We had our mobile book trolleys going to different classrooms every day, as well as our online Click and Collect circulation. Nevertheless, it's impossible to anticipate books for every student to place on the trolley.

Once students were allowed to come to the library, we had very strict distancing requirements. Library lessons were not allowed, nor could we meet the students at the circulation desk or help them find books. You see, every class was a "bubble" to prevent any widespread outbreaks between multiple classrooms. Since the library staff would be interacting with one bubble and then another throughout the day, we could not do normal interactions without breaking the bubble. Without being able to interact normally, we turned to some online activities instead.

In conjunction with our sister campus, Shrewsbury City Campus, we held our first really big library zoom event: A Virtual Library Sleepover! (Actually, it was four events. We divided the grades into 4 groups to manage the breakout room activities and to tailor each event for different ages of students.) We read stories, sang songs, and had a marvelous time! In fact, it was so much fun that only 3 weeks later, we had a full-fledged Christmas Stories and Songs event! This time, it was one giant event with the two schools.

That event took some cross-continental planning, because authorator David Biedryzcki stole the show by sharing two of his fabulous Christmas books! We are very thankful for You-Tube since the perfect Christmas Karaoke sing-along video allowed us to have music, words on the screen, and an on-key leader for the songs. With a quick recitation of "Twas the Night Before Christmas," another special guest joined us: Santa Claus! Altogether, two great events in this pandemic world.

Now the new year has begun, and Omicron has tried to push its way into our fun...fortunately, we have started the new term with hybrid learning. AAAANNNNDDDDD....we have in-person (and on zoom for students at home) LIBRARY LESSONS! It's a good thing I was muted in the staff meeting when this was announced. Everyone saw me dancing and cheering, but I did not cause anyone hearing problems. I know I was that loud in my excitement. (I did videos for teachers to share and joined some Golden Time sessions, but it wasn't the same as doing actual library lessons like I wished.)

Although I wish I could be 100% confident in things staying this way or getting even better, that unwanted guest, Omnicron, means we are dual planning everything. Chinese New Year in the library with the Mandarin teachers? Let's plan in-person and online. Fully Booked Week? Dual plans for it, too. 

New Year's Resolution: not to forget the blog posting.