It's looking like we'll finally have a full week of classes, perfect timing right before the book fair! What have we learned this week?
1. Showing Jane Goodall Institute videos to illustrate parts of a book is a wonderful idea...except for the one where the chimp constantly does somersaults through the jungle. Small children love to copy chimps doing somersaults.
2. Technology is our friend...until it isn't! Our broadcast room has not forgiven us for abandoning it for four whole days. First the computer, then the Averkey, now the teleprompter TV...
3. Never rely on free resources to remain constant until the project is finished! Our animation videos have hit a snag where the once free 2 minute videos now must be 30 seconds. Sometimes you have to use the subscription version or do something else entirely.
4.Bad luck (especially with technology) does not always run in threes. We're still trying to figure out what prime number it is. When we know, you'll know.
5. A super hero theme for the book fair is very well received by students and staff.