Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mike Curato Comes to Shrewsbury

Just a few weeks ago, the marketing department came to me to help with the logistics of a second author visit! This visit was in conjunction with the Nielson-Hayes Library's 150th Anniversary celebration.

This Literature Festival brought in authors from all over the world for people to meet. One of those author/illustrators happened to be Mike Curato, creator of the Little Elliot books. Shrewsbury International School - Riverside sponsored Mr. Curato and had him come visit our Y1 and Y2 students in the Memorial Hall. The Y1 and Y2 students at Shrewsbury City Campus came for a fabulous morning with Mr. Curato.

Mr. Curato shared one of the Little Elliot books on the "big screen" as the students watched and enjoyed.

A favorite part of the presentation: watching Little Elliot come to life on paper!

They also had the opportunity to ask questions as Mr. Curato moved around the Memorial Hall.

Some students even managed to get on the stage with him!

Although I was unable to be present, since I was returning from the AASL19 conference in the US, the library team did a fabulous job, with the marketing and ICT departments, making everything go smoothly.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Steve Swinburne Rocks!

On 6 November, we had the privilege of hosting author Steve Swinburne at Shrewsbury! He spoke with Year 4, 5, and 6 students, ate lunch with a great group of students, and worked with a small group at a writer's workshop. The excitement knew no bounds!

In the morning, Mr. Swinburne talked with year 5 and 6 students, explaining how he gets his ideas (will they ever forget coffee, bagels, and Brooklyn's Famous Car Wash...). Then he discussed ways to make your ideas SPARKLE! (Cool details, strong verbs, and HOOK the reader)

Each presentation ended with a sing-along for "One in a Thousand." All the students and staff participated enthusiastically in this (especially Mr. Williams).

Then a group of students enjoyed lunch with Mr. Swinburne and his wife.

After lunch was the year 4 presentation. (We saved the most energetic group for last!)

The writers moved to the senior library research room for a special session.

I never thought I would see students reluctant to leave school at the end of the day! But they were having too much fun and didn't want to stop.

Many students bought their own copies of Mr. Swinburne's books to read and enjoy.

Of course, a highlight for me was dinner with the Swinburnes the night before, along with Miss Marivic and Donna Stephens, librarian at City Campus who hosted him the day before!