It's amazing the difference about two weeks can make!
This week has been very exciting to prepare for. First, our story time in the Early Years Garden has resumed, with Thai and English stories being read on Mondays to our youngest students. This is the first time we have had to really start to meet our EY1 students! What fun we had on Monday, and we will continue to have every Monday as we visit them in their new garden space.
Today we are welcoming our parents back to the library before and after school! This is fabulous to see once again. Younger brothers and sisters, not yet in school, accompany them as well. We have a full house this afternoon which is the best type of situation in a library!
And then tomorrow starts after-school story time in the library! I have had the books selected for this since mid-summer. (Talk about planning ahead!) After months of online story time videos, I have been looking forward to sharing stories once again with parents and children.
What else is happening? Our Y3-6 students are now vying for copies of the Bangkok Book Award nominees in order to read them all before voting during term 2. Y1-2 are enjoying hearing each picture book nominee during their classes, and we have started the Eyes of a Reader competition...having taken a lot of the pictures myself, I cannot recognize most of the teachers! Oh, my!