Have you ever wanted to do something, planned it, and never executed it? I have. Let me backtrack a bit.
When I was in the classroom, some of my favorite projects in science and social studies was to have students create their own "School House Rock" videos covering some of the topics we were studying in class. How can I ever forget the parody of Toby Keith's "I Wanna Talk about Me:" "I Wanna Talk about D"...as in DNA. And ubiquitous "For Those about to Breathe" set to AC/DC's "For Those about to Rock."
When I moved into the library, there was no opportunity for music videos, especially since the daily broadcast took a great deal of time. Then I moved to a high school and had everything planned multiple times only to have hurricanes, ice storms, student absences and more delay production. While I was able to create some animated videos that always included a bit of parody to teach copyright guidelines to staff, I never could manage to get an actual music video from planning to completion.
But finally, after much planning, we have "produced" a music video for the library! Yes, you read correctly! A library music video! Written, produced, directed, and (I apologize now) featuring my voice in parts of it. Starring the most wonderful library team in existence, who bore with my strange directions and then participated by suggesting other ideas as well as dancing and singing....
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