Yes! The 2018-19 school year has arrived with a....hmmm...don't like bang. Maybe a bunch of virtual balloons?
What's happening in the library?
To start the year with some fun, I created a GooseChase scavenger hunt for teachers...It ends tomorrow, so there is still time to win that Starbucks gift card!!!!!
For students, this year there are 3 blocks with Library Science I classes. Hooray! Classes have multiple students in them and are going well. Tomorrow they get to learn how to use the green screen and film their first assignment on it.
A CCP (College and Career Promise) class is meeting Mondays and Wednesdays 1st block in the our back classroom area. It's a FULL class with 42 students. A few of those students hang out Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays since they don't have class. Other CCP students are finding the library a great place to be when their classes don't meet so the new Google Sign-in form is in use quite a bit.
This year, the Books Ahoy cart will travel to every English class on either Thursday or Friday. I'm excited to provide students the opportunity to check out a book and return it through their classes. We've got a bunch of new and high interest books on the cart, ready for it to begin once we are on a regular bell schedule.
New signage is calling attention to different genres this year. I've started with Zombies, Realistic Fiction, Science Fiction, and Murder Mysteries/Thrillers.
Finally, a great deal of weeding has begun because we are going to GENREFY this year! This year-long process will involve weeding books, labeling every book with a colored spine label to indicate it's main genre, moving the books into genre areas, and the changing the sublocation in the computer for every book.....I'm tired just thinking about it! One step at a time, though, and it should be done by the end of May.
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