Friday, February 8, 2019

It's a Work in Progress

...but it IS progressing! Our goal is spring break, which is late April this year.

All year we have been moving towards redesigning the fiction section into genres: genrefying!

We are over three-fourths of the way through the tedious task of looking up the genre of each book and labeling it with a colored spine label. With eleven sublocations from which to assign each book, sometimes we have had to be creative! (A supernatural, paranormal thriller romance set in the 1850s? Hmmm...paranormal, horror/thriller, relationships, or historical fiction?)

Because I realized waiting for the labeling to end might mean the books NEVER got moved, I started shifting books on Wednesday. This means pulling all the books, in alphabetical order, from a single genre and stacking them...everywhere! We're working on one area at a time to eliminate thousands of books in stacks.

Our first section is pulled through the PER. Action/Adventure/Survival has an orange label. Once it is in place, we will put the Dystopian  (Gray) novels on the shelves. Then Fantasy (Yellow), Historical Fiction (Green), and Horror (Red). This will take care of two large genre collections, fantasy and historical, opening up shelves for Mystery/Suspense (Purple), Paranormal (Aqua), and Realistic Fiction (Blue). The final sections - Relationships (Pink), Science Fiction (Burgundy), and Sports Fiction (White) - should be fairly easy to put in place.

Of course, once everything is in place, I have one final task. Using a scanner and chrome book, I will scan every book in a sublocation into a file and do a batch update. This will allow students to search for books by sublocation. (I will also be able to inventory books through sublocation reports!)

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