Friday, May 12, 2017

Ah, The Joys of May

March brings "March Madness," crazy weather, tornado drills, and prom.

April showers bring...flooded roads, delays, gray days...and April means spring break, still a lot of school days, AP reviews, and the Spring Reading Marathon.

May means AP tests, Junior Papers, Senior Papers, projects, inventory, new website platforms, and Anakin starting to behave!

As the Library TAs learn the joys of shelf order and inventory (although they have now admitted it's not as bad as they thought, just a lot of books), the TSA is in the midst of the printing of their fidget spinners. With AP testing going on, it became necessary to move Anakin just as he had completed several rounds of perfect prints! (We couldn't print in the library as the students tested that afternoon.) Thanks to an ingenious idea, he connected wirelessly to a Mac and rolled his way into the library office where he seemed to enjoy his trip because he kept right on seemlessly! Whew!

A lesson was learned before this, however. NEVER LEAVE ANAKIN UNATTENDED. His "babysitter" decided to leave and that's when this happened:

Once the mess was cleaned up, and he cooled off, the next TSA student tried again. Rather than learn from the mistake of the other student, he also took a break and left. Anakin revolted again:

The moral of the story: ANAKIN LIKES COMPANY! (And lots of attention, it would seem.)

Meanwhile in the world of inventory, an attentive TA discovered, that the original book order when the library opened called for us to have the book Where the Wild Things Were: Life, Death, and Ecological Wreckage in a Land of Vanishing Predators by William Stolzenberg. This is the book the company gave us:

As you can see by the barcode, it is for the high school nonfiction book...which we don't have. Sigh. Somehow, I don't think Maurice Sendak's monsters will be acceptable as a source for any research papers...Has the statue of limitations run out on returning the book? We'll soon find out!

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