Thursday, June 15, 2017

It's Over (Sort of and Almost)

The end of the year is one of those crazy, hectic times with way too much to do! Here is today's (and the next 4 workdays) to do list:

1. Make sure the state DMLI report is finalized and signed off.

2. Submit the Collection Development Plan. (Luckily our MTAC has already approved one and I'm just checking for typos!)

3. Work on the copyright presentation animated video for August's voice-over time! Ya-ba-da-do!  That should give a hint as to some of the characters for next year's exciting video!

4. Encourage teachers to choose some of the weeded fiction books. I think a few Louis L'Amour books are still left although they did go very quickly at the staff luncheon!

5. Clean the office.

6. Dispose of the magazine collection left from 4 years ago when we still had magazine subscriptions.

7. Print the summer overdue/fine list for the front office for the parking pass sale.

8. Print directions for accessing Destiny for transfer students for overdue/fines for the parking pass sale.

9. Prepare the fall book order to have it ready to go once funding comes.

10. Finalize the Ed Foundation grant for the September deadline so it is ready for August mailing.

11. Repair the To Kill A Mockingbird books and fix the numbering issues in the computer.

WHEW! I think I'll be busy, but that's why they call them "workdays!"

(Fortunately, not all of these items take hours, and several of them are in various stages of completion already.)


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